Available on Amazon Audible, Teachers Pay Teachers and ListenUp Audiobooks.
Get the award-winning book Smile & Succeed for Teens in a downloadable MP3 audio book! Your tween, teen or young adult can learn social and job skills quickly and easily.
Social Skills Audiobook
A crash course in social and job skills. Perfect for general education, autism, special education, and more. Winner of the Teachers' Choice Award, and Mom's Choice Gold Award. Social skills are the number one factor in getting a job, according the Harvard University. Give your son or daughter a head start with the audiobook Smile & Succeed for Teens!
Length: 1 hour, 25 minutes.
One MP3 Download of the Audiobook Smile & Succeed for Teens
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Purchase on Amazon Audible, Teachers Pay Teachers and ListenUp Audiobooks.
Also available on Apple iTunes.
For ages 10 - 21+.
"Smile & Succeed for Teens is a fantastic resource to help teens be successful at work."
--TEMPLE GRANDIN, One of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People In The World, Author, Thinking in Pictures, The Autistic Brain,